Thursday, July 1, 2010

LAST NIGHT, I had a crazy dream where a couple of friends and I were at a mall that was being overrun by zombies. Naturally, the majority of people inside the mall were devoured by the living dead, while other folks were either defending against the attackers (with ninja swords and firearms) or hiding inside various rooms or within air conditioning vents and a kitchen counter (think about that scene in the first Jurassic Park film where that teenage girl is hiding inside a cabinet while velociraptors lurk around her inside a kitchen).

The living dead.

The dream ended on a wacky note, with a helicopter coming to the rescue and airlifting us from the mall just as the zombies were about to overtake us. In case you’re wondering why this is considered wacky, it’s because the rescue team was led by none other than...Jennifer Aniston. Not Woody Harrelson a la last year's movie Zombieland, but Aniston. From what I remember, she wasn’t wearing an outfit like any of these ones below:

Jennifer Aniston.

A bummer, I know.

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