More Star Wars Films Are On The Way! George Lucas just got $4.05 billion richer after he sold Lucasfilm Ltd., LucasArts, Industrial Light & Magic and Skywalker Sound to the Walt Disney Company two days ago. Now, Star Wars fans who miss reading online spoilers about the prequels a decade ago can relive those glory days as Star Wars: Episode VII is targeted for theatrical release in 2015. Episode VIII would make its cinematic debut two or three years after that, and then Episode IX completes the long-awaited sequel trilogy.
Personally speaking, I'm actually excited about new live-action Star Wars flicks being on the way. The chances of George Lucas coming back to direct any of the new films are remote (thank goodness)...seeing as how the whole point of selling his beloved franchise to Mickey Mouse and company was to enjoy that little thing called retirement. However, it remains to be seen if Harrison Ford will make any kind of appearance as Han Solo (seeing as how he's not a huge fan of Star Wars). Ditto with Mark Hamill (though I'm sure the chances of him making his glorious return as Luke Skywalker are pretty good) and Carrie Fisher (though the chances of her wearing anything even remotely resembling her golden metal bikini in Return of the Jedi are, needless to say, slim.) I hope John Williams will remain healthy enough (knock on wood) to compose the music score for the new trilogy—though I'm wondering if Twentieth Century Fox will have any involvement with Episodes VII-IX. The opening Fox logo with its Alfred Newman fanfare is, after all, just as iconic to Star Wars movies as lightsaber duels are.
My obsession with Star Wars started in 1995 (about a year after Lucas announced that he was going to film the prequels) and ended in 2005 (after the release of Revenge of the Sith), or so I thought. To borrow a line by Michael Corleone in The Godfather: Part III: "Just when I thought I was out of the Star Wars fan club, Disney pulls me back in!" Oh well.
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