Microsoft Game Studios
HALO... Nope, I have absolutely no idea what’s going on in terms of bringing the über-popular Xbox video game to the big screen. A recent article stated that the movie was back on-track for a theatrical release next year...but this is obviously not true since the flick should’ve started filming this year to meet a release date for 2012—or maybe even begin production in 2010 if the visual effects were to truly look awesome (assuming reputable FX houses like Industrial Light & Magic, Digital Domain and/or Weta Digital worked on Halo). The main reason for this entry? Just thought I’d post these cool images that I found online.
Microsoft Game Studios
Apart from the budget (which I’m sure will be quite pricey), I can’t fathom any other reason why Hollywood and Microsoft would have trouble giving Master Chief and his Spartan soldiers the live-action treatment. Are they trying to look for the right actor to play the green-armored super soldier? Just get Russell Crowe or Gerard Butler to play him and be done with it. And have Charlize Theron or Kate Beckinsale play the lead female character from the video game...whoever that is. And have Aaron Sorkin (who wrote the screenplays for The Social Network and most recently Moneyball, respectively) pen the script. Just because. Oh and one more thing: Have Hans Zimmer or Steve Jablonsky (who did the music for the Transformers trilogy) do Halo’s orchestral score. Is that too much to ask for? Okay— The Aaron Sorkin part may be a bit much...but other than that, I hope not.
Microsoft Game Studios
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