Saturday, November 19, 2022

Movie Review: THE MENU...

The theatrical poster for THE MENU.

Earlier today, I watched The Menu at AMC theaters. While I found the food preparation scenes very appetizing to watch, the message of this film was kind of vague (it was something about givers and takers) that I really don't know what genre to fit this movie in other than it was some type of thriller!

The plot of The Menu is about a food connoseiur named Tyler (played by Nicholas Hoult) and his not-so-easy-to-impress date Margot (portrayed by Anya Taylor-Joy) joining about a dozen other people on a boat trip to Hawthorne...a presumably exquisite restaurant, located on a private island, where they enjoyed a multi-course meal prepared by the cooks led by Chef Slowik (Ralph Fiennes).

Apparently, this isn't your average fine-dining restaurant—as Tyler, Margot and the other patrons weren't even served something as basic as bread. Instead, Hawthorne's menu offered a dish consisting of delicious chicken breast...right after the customers witnessed one of Chef Slowik's cooks pull out a gun and take his own life in front of their very eyes. And this was at the behest of Slowik himself.

In other words, The Menu is about how a group of unwitting patrons (well, one of the patrons knew what was going on) ate at a restaurant that was led by a celebrity chef who also happened to be a cult leader getting his dining staff to carry out his murderous bidding. And this was due to Chef Slowik seeking retribution for some type of injustice that each of the patrons (except one... I won't spoil the identity here) did to him in the past.

So The Menu is basically a revenge thriller. Gotcha!

If there was one thing that I really liked about this film, it's the scene where Chef Slowik prepares a cheeseburger for one of the patrons in The Menu's climax. Needless to say, it got me to order a cheeseburger combo at In-N-Out burger the very next day. Carry on!

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