As of today, The Broken Table has been selected by seven film festivals...the most recent being the Beyond the Curve International Film Festival! Click on this link to see its inclusion on BCIFF's cool Wall of Fame page.
I would also like to announce that my short film is currently the recipient of three awards: one for Best Seven Minute Film by the EdiPlay International Film Festival, another for Best Short Thriller by the Cult Movies International Film Festival and the last one being for Best Cinematography—which honors The Broken Table's talented director of photography, Brandon Cabral. This certificate was also awarded by Cult Movies Fest.
There are over two dozen additional festivals that I submitted to who I'm also waiting to hear from! It won't be till late summer or early fall of next year where all of them will have decided whether or not my short psychological thriller is included on their program schedules.
But as of right now, I'm already grateful that seven festivals have shown my film recognition and given accolades to it! A huge thank you to them... Happy Tuesday.
EDIT: While I was typing this blog entry, I just received word via e-mail that the Krimson Horyzon International Film Festival is the eighth event to select The Broken Table! Wonderful news! I will be using a different poster to apply this fantastic festival's laurel to it soon.
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